It is the job of insurance companies to settle their lawsuits and claims for as little as possible. That means their initial offer is almost guaranteed to be well below what you rightfully deserve. There is often a negotiation process that goes back and forth, which means the quicker you are inclined to settle, the less money you are likely to receive.
It is a known fact that a personal injury lawyer will represent clients for extensive stretches of time. Insurance companies will attempt to draw things out as a ploy to make victims weary from the process. That could enable them to give in and accept a settlement. However, sticking it out could mean a much more lucrative payout. Keep in mind that patience can pay off. And when an insurance company is offering a certain amount of money, it’s not likely that you will receive any less taking the matter to court.

Plea Agreements
When facing criminal charges, it is natural to be worried about the future. But it is also important to understand the prosecution’s school of thought. The prosecution’s main job is to get a conviction. By making a plea agreement, you are actually giving the prosecution a victory and basically doing their job for them.
It is also important to note that most courts are overrun with criminal cases, which makes many prosecutors eager to run through their caseload. But when one of those cases goes to trial, there is a lot of uncertainty involved for the prosecution. Material witnesses can become less dependable over long spans of time and there may be insufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Time can benefit those facing criminal charges, which makes plea agreements a much less appealing option.
When the time comes to call a Charlotte accident attorney or criminal defense attorney, contact The Law Offices of William H. Harding. Charlotte lawyer William H. Harding is ready to stand by you, whether you are facing criminal charges or in the midst of a personal injury lawsuit.