Following any type of auto accident, it usually doesn’t take long for an insurance company to get involved. However, insurance companies are not going to be on the side of those who are injured. Their main job is trying to pay out as little as possible. That being said, there are many reasons not to give a statement to an insurance company following an accident.
In the event that an insurance adjuster demands that you give a statement, immediately decline and contact a lawyer. In accidents where you are a victim, you are usually dealing with another insurance company. They do not have your best interest in mind.

Obtaining a recorded statement will let the insurance company know exactly how to prepare a defense. It will also enable them to come up with a strategy that could offer a settlement lower than what you deserve. Giving a recorded statement is basically like showing your hand before you have to.
It is also important to note that not all injuries do not surface right after an accident. If you give a recorded statement and claim no neck pain, but then you start to experience neck pain two days later, your statement will make it appear as though you are lying. That could be extremely damaging to your case.
A statement given to an insurance company or adjuster is not made while under oath. Nevertheless, the insurance company can use that statement against you. Also, remember that whoever is taking your statement has done this before. As you speak, that person will be immediately looking for ways to twist your words to use them against you. Regular people are not accustomed to the intricacies within these kinds of statements.
When you are involved in an accident in which both parties have the same insurance company, you should still be wary. The insurance company may attempt to underestimate the value and basically turn against you.
Insurance companies are also looking to settle as quickly as possible, but you don’t have to submit to their pressure. Personal injury cases can be very detailed so your best move is to plead the fifth when asked for a statement and consult a lawyer.
If you are injured in a Charlotte auto accident, contact the Law Offices of William H. Harding. It helps to have someone on your side, who will give you the chance to get what you rightfully deserve. The Law Offices of William H. Harding will see you through the entire personal injury process and make sure insurance companies do not take advantage of your claim.